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Die Steinmühle und der Nieplitzdamm in Treuenbrietzen

1. Die Steinmühle

The stone mill and the Nieplitzdamm

1. The stone mill

The stone mill was built in 1303 as a grain mill by the Cistercian monks from the Zinn monastery and operated by them. The mill was used as a grain mill until 1766, when the mill master at the time received a permit to set up a cutting mill (sawmill).

In 1845 it was demolished and then rebuilt as an oil mill.  At the end of the 19th century, it was expanded to include steam power and the mill was converted into a straw paper pulp factory. It was also used as a steam mill. In 1918 the mill trades as “G. Thiele Steinmühle ". The owner was Emil Gericke, G.Thiele's son-in-law. In 1934 the steam engine was replaced by a motor and the mill was enlarged.

In 1948 the cell and floor storage facility was built. In 1960 the miller Helmut Gericke fell into the gearbox of the stone mill and died there. His widow Elisabeth continues the business. In 1973 the mill was leased to LPG. The stone mill was in operation until the end of the 1980s and was inhabited. At the beginning of the 90s there was an investor who wanted to convert the mill into a 4-star hotel. The adjacent meadows should be used as a golf course. But environmentalists prevented the project. The golf course is now in Seddin and the stone mill is in ruins after a fire in 1993. Entering the property can only be discouraged as the roofs and false ceilings have collapsed. Nature is taking back the property.

2. Der Nieplitzdamm

2. The Nieplitzdamm

Around 1500 the river bed of the Nieplitz, which passed the stone mill, was diverted into a specially built dam approx. 500 meters in front of the mill. With this measure, the height of the fall of the water should be increased and thus the driving force of the mill should be improved. Furthermore, a mill pond was created and the earth wall was planted with alder, as the trout that have been bred there since 1535 like it in the shade. The diked dam had to be maintained by the miller for centuries. A forest conversion system was used until around 1950. The alders were planted in two rows. The trees never got any bigger than needed to keep the river shaded. If a row of trees grew larger, it was simply felled and the next row could provide shade. Nobody did that after 1950.  In the 20th century entertainment passed to communities, cooperatives, associations or municipalities. In addition to alder trees, beech trees also grew and at some point began to damage the dam. Today the dam is covered with a dense row of large trees, several of which fell victim to Storm Xavier in 2017. This caused severe damage to the dam, so that the Nieplitz was diverted through the Böllrichwiesen in a lightning operation. Since then, the listed dam has dried up. The trout farm had to close.

2017 bin ich noch durch das ausgetrocknete Flussbett gewandert. Anfang 2022 ist der denkmalgeschützte Damm mit umgesägten Bäumen belegt und das Flussbett ist mit Strauchwerk zu gewachsen. Ein trauriger Anblick. Sollte einer der Leser historische Fotos des Damms oder vom Eishockey spielen haben, kann er sie mir schicken. Ich veröffentliche sie hier gerne.


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