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Command 3 of the Stasi Guard Regiment Feliks Dzierzynski

From 1960 to June 1990, "Command 3" of the Feliks Dzierzynski Guard Regiment was stationed at this location south of Berlin. The tasks mainly included the military-operational guard and security service (MOS) at state and party institutions in the area of East Berlin and the surrounding area.

The staff was housed in Berlin-Adlershof. Here the guards were responsible for the secret radio objects in Zeesen, Wernsdorf and Gosen and the guards for the outer ring of the Stasi prison in Hohenschönhausen. On the local military training area with a size of approx. 5000 square meters were the central firing ranges and lanes, the basic training of the soldiers, the house combat training, armored personnel carriers and other operational vehicles trained driving maneuvers etc.

The site had a modern infrastructure for GDR standards, which was created by VEB Housing Combine Potsdam. The commando was housed in barracks, was able to use the culture and event center with cinema, stage, restaurant, purchase the bare essentials in the MHO sales point and provided the dining room and barracks kitchen (officers and men separately). The Medpunkt (polyclinic) with operating theater and permanently present medical team / trauma surgery took care of all kinds of health problems. Various sports facilities and offers rounded off the offer.

The Ministry for State Security (MfS) was also active on the area and trained officers of the Iraqi head of state at the time, Saddam Hussein. They received training in hand-to-hand combat and in handling explosives and neurotoxins. In addition, friendly countries such as Ethiopia, Libya and the PLO also sent their cadres to these barracks.

After the fall of the Wall, the area became an industrial park with a service area and a hotel. Much came back. Today there is a home for asylum seekers and a few smaller commercial tenants. The rest of it is falling into disrepair and is actually not worth seeing. After a long search, I also found the guard regiment's staff bunker.

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