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5. Prussian Provision Office

To the east of the New Camp, a “Depot-Magazin-Verwaltung” was mentioned as early as 1880, which from 1888 was designated as a “Provisioning Office”. The "Provisioning Office" had the task of ensuring the food supply for all troops of the Jüterbog garrison, including the supply of feed for the horses. After the construction of the new provisions office from 1889, additional storage buildings and a bakery were built.  During the Nazi era and after the Soviet Army took over a large part of the area after 1945, further new buildings and extensions were built and the name was changed to the Army Provisions Office.

In the south-western area of the Provision Office, later the Army Base Administration, a laundry and dry cleaning facility was installed after 1933, expanded in 1988 by a new building for the Soviet armed forces.

As a result of the decades of laundry and cleaning operations up to the handover to the German authorities in 1993, the results of the contaminated site investigation confirmed that the soil air and groundwater were significantly contaminated with trichloroethene.

Since the completion of more specific investigations, a CHC plant has been working here without interruption since October 2004. The total costs of the measure so far (as of April 12, 2019) have been around 5.62 million euros and are estimated at around 7 million euros.

The renovation was initially supported by funds from the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) and financed by the State of Brandenburg, WGT real estate assets in the AGV. With the help of this cleaning system, the service life of which is expected to continue for several years, even more tons of pollutants are removed from groundwater and soil air.

Die Heeresbäckerei:

Die Wäscherei aus den 30iger Jahren und der sowjetische Neubau von 1988. Ein Freund berichtet uns das er als Elektrikerlehrling der Produktionsgenossenschaft Elektrik aus Treuenbrietzen dort die Verkabelung montierte.

Die sowjetischen Soldaten bekamen nie genug zu essen. Zur Verbesserung der Versorgungslage hielten sie sich Schweine. Futter erhielten Sie oft von deutschen Bauern im Tausch gegen Benzin, das in der DDR sehr teuer war. Hier ein Schweinestall:

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