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4. New warehouse

When the capacity of the first warehouse was no longer sufficient, the "New Warehouse" was created at the end of the 19th century.  Construction of the objects began in 1889 in the form of clinker buildings that were customary at the time, some of which are still standing today.  The army base hospital and a provisions store belonged to the complex.

The site had its own siding. In the 1930s the administration building, accommodation building, stable building and a bakery were added. The Red Army continued to use the bakery after the war. The storage building on the B 102 is still used commercially today.

From July 1933 to September 1939 the building complex was used by the community camp for trainee lawyers "Hanns Kerll". During this time, around 20,000 male trainee lawyers - initially all Prussian, then all German - had to complete part of their preparatory service in this former Reichswehr camp, which today enjoys a mythical reputation among lawyers. Budding public prosecutors, judges and lawyers in the community should be trained both athletically and ideologically. Legal training, especially in the new National Socialist legislation, came later. Training camps for individual occupational groups were common instruments of indoctrination, discipline and selection during the Nazi era, which at the same time had an integrating claim related to the so-called national community. The future public prosecutors and judges were covered with anti-intellectual, anti-individual and anti-bourgeois elements of camp life and indoctrinated in the National Socialist sense.

In 1939 it was taken over by the Wehrmacht. From 1945 to 1992 various units of the GSSD, including a rocket brigade, were stationed here. In the GDR era, however, the large provisions store was used by a grain trade. The air hall on the B102, of which the remains of the foundations can still be seen today, was also striking at that time. The buildings were partially demolished in 2010/11. In 2019 the soil remediation of contaminated sites is still ongoing.

Zwei historische Bilder aus Referendarschule von 1935 für die künftigen Richter und Staatsanwälte die Besuch vom preußischen Innenminister Hanns Kerrl bekamen:

Die ehemaligen Pferdeställe wurden zu KfZ-Werkstätten umfunktioniert. Gut zu sehen sind noch die Tröge zur Nahrungsaufnahme der Pferde:

In der Zeit der sowjetischen Besetzung wurde ein Vielzahl von KfZ-Hallen, Werkstätten und ein KfZ-Waage gebaut. Interessant sind die an die Hallenwand gepinselten DDR Verkehrschilder für die Fahrschule:

Dieser "idyllische" Teich sieht sehr Russisch aus:

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