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Luftwaffe ammunition plant

The Luftwaffe ammunition depot was built in 1934/35 on an area of 145 hectares. Little is known about the history of the facility. It is said to have been one of the largest depots for munitions in Germany. Above all, aircraft bombs were stored here, but not produced. The facility consists of three parts: a living area with approx. 20 residential houses, accommodation buildings and villas, a storage area with tracks, halls and approx. 80 storage bunkers. The bunker area covers around 80 hectares of forest land. The bunkers are partly built semi-underground on a slope and are between 90 and 150 square meters in size or loosely distributed over the entire forest area and are still accessible. From 1945 until 1994 the central ammunition depot of the 16th Air Army of the GSSD was here. Bombs and air-to-air missiles were stored here. When the withdrawal was made, a large number of empty cases and boxes for the anti-tank guided weapon with NATO code AT-9 Spiral-2 were forgotten.

The buildings that still exist today are under monument protection. The site can be walked on and is partly used as a warehouse or even as a cheap place to live. Most exciting was the bunker with the power generator from the HK Heinz Kämper company from the 1930s and the German safety instructions on the wall.

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