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Luftnachrichtenvermittlung 72 Treuenbrietzen

Newspaper report in "Streiter" from November 26th, 1940: "The comrades of the air news training center and the company sports associations (BSG) of the metal goods factories hold a shooting competition with small-caliber and army rifles in the rifle house. Fritz Kamrad (plant S) and Hellmuth Walter ( Plant A). The best individual shooter with the army rifle is Kurt Collberg from Plant S. In conclusion, company sports warden Otto Scheunert thanks for the good cooperation between aerial news and company sports groups in carrying out the shooting ".

Air messaging 72

Due to the technical importance of the repeater office of the Reichspost at Berliner Straße 8 (code name Amt 12), over which important telephone connections ran and which served as a basic network node, the air force as well as the army has set up an exchange in Treuenbrietzen. From 1938 onwards, air communication 72 was built on a hill in the forest opposite the Leipzig settlement.  It could be reached via the newly laid concrete road from the B 2.  The commissioning took place in April 1939. A multi-storey bunker was built which was camouflaged with a residential building that served as an office building. In the nearby forest, 4 barracks were built for the air force helpers. A generator provided an independent power supply in the event of a power failure. The task of this unit was to receive the encrypted messages from the various air fleet control centers and to forward them to the Air Force High Command in Potsdam-Eiche. Conversely, encrypted commands from the high command were forwarded to the respective air force units in the Reich. Another task was the switching of normal telephone calls to all sections of the front.

After the war, the facility was blown up. Despite the great housing shortage and requests from the communist mayor, the houses were also blown up. Unfortunately there are no historical photos of the facility.

Until 1957, 25 refugee families from Silesia and East Prussia were housed in the barracks of the air force helpers under very poor conditions. In 1958, two barracks were transferred to the VEB Meßgerätewerk (GRW), so that the building was used as a welding shop and a dispatch department.  In the same year the wholesale office of the HO from Jüterbog received two barracks, which were then transferred in 1967 to the IFA sales department in Magdeburg for the storage of motorcycles. The four barracks are still used today as production and storage buildings and are located on the Mettec Group's premises. 

Luftnachrichtenvermittlung 72
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