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Luftmunitionsanstalt 2 / IV

​​The former Luftmuna Strelln served as a warehouse for ammunition for the aerial warfare during the Second World War and was built in 1936. An SS command took over the guard. The area was divided into around 100 storage bunkers, ammunition workhouses, 6 air-raid shelter trenches, generator bunkers, transformer bunkers, accommodation and living quarters, headquarters, fire station, car garages, engine sheds and guard buildings. In 1942, a filling station for warfare ammunition was built in the north-western part. After the war from 1945 onwards, the SS village was used as an artillery ammunition store for the GSSD and some extensions were added under its command. The NVA used the north-western part of the site as an ammunition store from 1957. After the withdrawal of the Soviet troops in 1993 and the handover to the German administration, the Bundeswehr continued to use part of the site as an ammunition store until 2011. Some of the bunkers were used by the VEAB for storing apples and onions. In the meantime there were plans for the construction of a wind farm, and a paintball project by young people from the area also failed. Today the area is neglected and looted. As of March 2021, all multi-storey buildings have been demolished. The bunkers as well as some storage and production buildings can still be seen.

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