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Five kilometers of the S-Bahn, three stops, but no sign of people. the  overgrown railway line of the Siemensbahn  opened in 1929. At that time, Siemens was at the for reasons of space  Outskirts pulled. However, many workers lived in Moabit or Kreuzberg. From there there was no S-Bahn connection. To make it easier for the workers to get there, Siemens financed most of the route itself. It has been idle since 1980 due to a rail strike. The line operated by the Reichsbahn of the GDR also became unprofitable due to the construction of the U7 and improved bus connections.

Dilapidated stopping stations and overgrown tracks now adorn these places. Outdated ticket machines and rusty signs surround the stations. The term ghost train immediately takes on a new meaning. The stops, which are closed off from the outside world, surround you with a ghostly atmosphere.

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