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Former Anatomical Institute Berlin

One of the scariest places I've ever visited was the former anatomical institute of the Free University of Berlin. The entrance was through the basement and whoosh I was in the dissection rooms. Strange gadgets were lined up there, really scary. Since I was alone, I quickly went to the above-ground part of the building, which consisted of laboratories and classrooms. Many panes were smashed and there was glass everywhere. The large lecture hall of the students was impressive, but everything was full of graffiti. There are also supposed to be freezing rooms for the corpses, but again I didn't dare go into the eerie cellar alone. So my tip: go in there with at least two people.

The building erected in 1929 was opened in 1949 as the anatomical institute of the FU. The lecture halls, laboratories and offices were on the upper floors, in the basement the dissecting tables and cold rooms. In 2003 the facilities of the medical faculties of the Free and Humboldt University merged to form "Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin". In the course of this merger, the institute building was closed in 2005 and research and teaching were relocated to the anatomy department on Campus Mitte. In 2008, ALDI bought the site to build a shopping center. When specific plans became known in 2010, the district thwarted the planners and forbade the investor to approve. Now the building is empty, deteriorating and remains an eyesore.

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