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State lunatic asylum of Brandenburg

The state insane asylum T. was built between 1905 and 1908 as a sanatorium and nursing home and provided space for 1,050 patients with a hospital. In addition, the site had a retirement home for another 150 people. There were also administration and kitchen buildings, a machine house with workshops, an agricultural yard and spacious gardens. With T., an institution was also built for the first time, from where the incurably ill patients were no longer to be deported to custody, but were to remain on site. During the First World War, the wounded were treated here. An approximately 50 meter high chimney with a viewing platform and in 1917 a cemetery chapel were also built on the site of the reserve hospital.

In 1923 the facility was closed due to the economic crisis. A year later the institution was reopened and operated as a sanatorium for seven years. The later city within the city was supplemented with a slaughterhouse, a ballroom, a water and electricity works, a garden center, a cemetery and more than two dozen “reception and surveillance houses”. During the time of National Socialism, people with mental and physical disabilities were housed here in the course of the euthanasia murders, who were then placed in killing centers of "Aktion T4" - a term that became common after 1945 for the systematic murder of more than 70,000 people with mental and physical disabilities - were murdered. The buildings of the institution bore humiliating names such as "House for women addicted to destruction", "House for restless sick people" or "House for stupid sick people". The clinic was subordinate to the Bernburg killing center. In addition to the institution, the district "Wärterdorf" was created especially for the employees.

After the Second World War, from 1945 to 1994 the Soviet Army moved into most of the area of the State Clinic and operated a military hospital. The clinic was part of the Wünsdorf garrison hospital. The buildings have been falling into disrepair since the departure. Most of the houses are not accessible. Access is also dangerous due to the many arson attacks.

On another part of the site there was a psychiatry and neurology department in GDR times, which in 1975 provided 600 beds for the care of patients in the Potsdam, Frankfurt / Oder and Cottbus districts. In 1991 the hospital was taken over by the state.  In 2006 the clinic was sold to the Asklepios Group.

Even today, the complex exudes a creepy charm. Many barred rooms and buildings still bear witness to their former function as a repository for the mentally ill. Jokers have increased the horror factor in some rooms with installations. If you go in there, do not try to climb the tower, because it is really dangerous. Otherwise, many buildings are already pretty battered and in some cases in danger of collapsing.

Revistit in December 2020: On my first visit to the extensive site in 2019, I did not manage to see everything, now I went back to see the rest. Here you can see some photos of it.

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