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Katharinenholz shooting range in Potsdam-Bornim

During a walk through Potsdam's Katharinenholz you will find a lot of strange brick walls and bumps in the area. It is an old shooting range that was laid out for the 1st Guard Uhlan Regiment as early as 1810.  With the expansion of the military base in Potsdam, more and more recruits received their shooting training there. Around 1900 there were eight shooting ranges of 300 and 600 meters in length.

Because of complaints from neighbors about flying bullets, the first bullet traps were built as earth walls from 1872 onwards. The first solidly walled bullet traps followed in 1890. But they still weren't enough. In 1906 a postal worker was hit in the thigh during a practice shooting. As a result, the bullet catches were increased and widened between 1906 and 1909. The practice area was also fenced in and secured by a guard.

The Russians used the firing range until 1960.

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