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Fighter pilot school W.

In 1935, the Reich Aviation Ministry acquired today's airport site east of Berlin and set up a training position for the Air Force. After the expansion with additional facilities, the Wehrmacht garrison was officially inaugurated in 1937 and handed over to the W. Fighter Aviation School. In 1940 the unit was renamed Fighter Pilot School 1, before it was named Jagdgeschwader 101 at the end of 1942 and was relocated to southern France on April 1, 1943 after the school was closed. In preparation for the Polish campaign, parts of Kampfgeschwader (KG) 26 were relocated to W. in August 1939, and parts of KG 27 also used the area at the beginning of September 1939 as a starting point for bombing operations.

From 1943 the night fighter squadron 5 was moved to W., later various hunting and slaughter units were added, which flew missions against the Soviet troops on the Oder, especially at the beginning of 1945. In November and October 1943, tests with the FuG 200 radar device were carried out on site by the test squadron for anti-ship combat. In April 1945 units of the Red Army occupied the airfield after the remaining ground units had fled. This was followed by the stationing of the 241st Bombing Division, equipped with Pe-2, which flew missions against targets in and east of Berlin and in the Beeskow area in the last days of the war.

After the Second World War, the Soviet Army continued to use the airfield as part of the 16th Air Army. From 1947 the Pe-2 front bombers of the 24th, 779th and 985th Bombing Regiments (BAP) were again stationed. In 1949 the staff command squadron of the 20th Guards Army was added, which consisted of the 41st Independent Mixed Fliegerstaffel set up on May 1st of that year. It was relocated to Oranienburg in 1968, but returned to W. in 1990 as the 41st Independent Helicopter Squadron (OWE) and stayed here until the Soviet troops withdrew in 1993. Since the Soviet troops withdrew, the area has been used for civilian purposes by two flight clubs. Many buildings are also used for residential and commercial purposes. Here are a few photos of the vacant (lost) buildings:

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