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Fliegertechnische Schule Altes Lager

Aviation School

On August 14, 1933, the Reich Minister of Aviation, Hermann Göring, issued a decree on the establishment of special schools for the air force to be established. This program also included a technical school, where technicians and engineers were to be prepared to care for, maintain and repair military aircraft and their various assemblies. For this purpose, an extensive air force garrison was built at this location, which, in addition to the aviation technology school, included an air aircraft office and the actual airfield. The area was called Waldlage r by the Luftwaffe.

When the Aviation Technical School was relocated to Warsaw in 1940, the Higher Aviation Technical School, the central training facility of the Air Force, which had meanwhile been founded in Berlin, moved to the forest camp.

During the war, the HFTS took on more and more specialized tasks. It dealt with the training of technical personnel of the individual front units on new developments in the armaments industry. She trained war disabled members of the Air Force to become mechanics and engineers so that they could find further use in the aircraft industry and similar areas. Basic research on various issues relating to aviation and adjacent areas has also been carried out in the forest camp by the HFTS. In the HFTS, officers and student officers of the allies have also been trained to become aeronautical engineers. Among them were Finns, Croats, Bulgarians and Romanians.

On April 20, 1945, in the course of the Battle of Berlin, the Red Army occupied the garrison and the airfield after the staff of the Higher Aviation Technical School had withdrawn as the last German troop unit, but without destroying the buildings that had been prepared for demolition.  The buildings of the architecturally valuable Aviation School were used as a training center for officers of the Soviet armored forces and artillery.

After the withdrawal of the GSSD, no use has yet been found for the Aviation Technical School. The houses are listed and derelict.

Pictures of the teaching and accommodation buildings :


Lehrgebäude und Kasernen

Pictures from the huge technical building in which the aircraft technicians were practically trained in German times. The largest hall was converted into a basketball hall by the GSSD:


The boiler house was technically the most modern of its time:


Das Stadion mit Sporthalle und das große Schwimmbad. Das Stadion wird vom örtlichen Fussballverein nachgenutzt, ebenso die Tennisplätze. Die architektonisch schöne Sporthalle ist nicht zugänglich:

Sporthalle und Schwimmbad
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