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Waldlager Air Base

1. Fliegerhorst Waldlager

1.1. Geschichte Fliegerhorst Waldlager

An airship port was set up near a firing range as early as the First World War. For this purpose, two airship hangars ("Albrecht" and "Baer") including the necessary infrastructure, such as barracks and a hydrogen production plant, were built in 1916. After the First World War, use had to be given up in accordance with the provisions of the Versailles Treaty. A hall collapsed as a result of improper demolition work, which resulted in deaths. The other was then dismantled by a specialist company. It came to Japan as spoils of war and was rebuilt in Kasumigaura.

After the Nazi takeover of power in 1933, when the Wehrmacht was rearming, an air base was set up at this point under the camouflage name "Forest Camp". In addition to the airfield, the location of the air force, which was initially still secret, included the Luftzeugamt 1 / III , the Luftgau III partial air park A, the medical teaching and testing department of the Air Force and the Aviation School of Air Fleet 1 . Maintenance of aircraft at the air base was suspended until 1943. After that, a weather squadron and a night fighter squadron were stationed here.

The Soviet air forces then used the site as a front-line airfield until the end of the war. After 1945, various Soviet units were stationed in Jüterbog. From 1953 to 1994 the airfield was used as the location of the Soviet 833th Fighter Regiment of the 16th Air Army and was continuously expanded. From 1966 to the mid-1980s, MiG-21 fighter aircraft were stationed here. From 1984 these were supplemented by MiG-23. From 1966 various helicopter and combat helicopter units also used the space. It says that the airfield in Nevada / USA was recreated as a training target.  In a document available on the Internet, the field is referred to as "Eastman Airfield Target" or "Target 76-14".

Starting in 1996, the hangar was rented by the Berlin hang glider club from the Brandenburgische Boden Gesellschaft for property management and exploitation, and in 1999 it was finally acquired. The runway was shortened from 2600 to 1050 m. Other users are a go-kart track and many smaller companies

1.1. Geschichte

1.2. Sonderwaffenlager

Am Rand des Flugplatzgeländes wurde ca. 1974 ein großer Bunker vom Typ Granit gebaut. Er diente als Sonderwaffenlager und war durch einen Stacheldrahtzaun vom Flugfeld getrennt. Es sollen dort aber keine atomare Bomben gelagert worden sein, sondern nur normale Raketen für die Mig 23. Im Umfeld befanden sich KfZ-Garagen und Sozialgebäude.

1.2. Sonderwaffenlager

1.3. Lenkwaffenbunker

1.3. Lenkwaffenbunker

1.4. Munitionsbunker

1.4. Munitionsbunker

1.5. Schießstand für Bordwaffen

Der Schießstand wurde von der Luftwaffe genutzt für das Justieren der Bordwaffen und zum Training der Schützen an Bord-MG´s.

1.5.Schießstand für Bordwaffen

1.6. Gefechtsstand (Bunker)

1.6. Gefechtsstand

1.7. Shelter - Museum

1.7. Shelter - Museum

Aircraft Office

The basis for the newly founded Air Force Office at the beginning of the 1930s was the building of a chemical factory in a former airship port from the imperial era. The site was on the edge of the larger "Waldlager" air base and already had a siding. In 1934 the construction of a modern, functionally well thought-out logistics hall in the style of the new objectivity began. It was the Luftwaffe's central logistics center for the Berlin-Brandenburg area with additional tasks such as shipyard and dismantling operations, including apprenticeship training. Everything from the tires (tempered!) To the parachute was stored here. After 1945 the Soviet Army used it as a replenishment warehouse. The logistics building, which is now under monument protection, has been called "Barbara-Halle" since the Open Monument Day in 2003 and is now the location of the Garrison Museum. Attention, the site is not deserted, it is privately owned ! The hall can be visited on the Ascension weekend for the garrison show and the day of the open monument every year . 

2. Luftzeugamt
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