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The Anhaltinisches Eisenmoorbad L.

In 1909, some residents of the small village in Anhalt founded an AG with the aim of using the moorland camps near their location for healing purposes and attracting guests from all over the world. The Eisenmoorbad was opened in 1910. It should compete with the successful Eisenmoorbad Bad Schmiedeberg, which has existed for a long time, and bring prosperity to the place. A spa, the Pension Villa Waldfrieden and the guest house complex with iron moor bath belonged to the area. The first break-in came in World War I when the bath was used as a hospital. After the war there was an upswing. A lodging house, a swimming pool and the forest tavern were built. Healing successes were mainly achieved with rheumatism, sciatica and gynecological problems. The Russians destroyed a large part of the bathhouse in 1945. During the GDR era, the bath was operated as a diet sanatorium by the FDGB. A spa park was also set up. Around 6000 patients were treated annually. The bath was closed at the beginning of the 1990s. The operating costs for processing the moor were probably too high. In 2004 it was sold to a private investor, who let the building fall into disrepair. Today the condition is very bad. During my visit I surprised screaming children who destroyed the last remaining panes. In the once beautiful hall, remains of fire and a collapsing ceiling could be "admired".  A sad sight.

The swimming pool of the Eisenmoorbad

The city and its gymnastics and sports club took care of the swimming pool, which was inaugurated in 1926. The fact that non-bathers also have to pay an entrance fee annoys people at the opening. They could not only bathe in the medicinal water supplied by eleven springs on the premises of the swimming pool. Sun and air baths and the sports facilities of the gymnastics club were also recommended for use: shot put, parallel bars, horizontal bar, long jump and high jump. Today the bath is closed. It was apparently used until the 1990s and equipped with stainless steel stairs. It has an unusual length of about 75 meters. Otherwise it is unspectacular.

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