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Former military hospital of the Wehrmacht and the GSSD

With the planning of a military hospital and the purchase of the new firing range area, the first hospital site outside of the neighboring garrison was established in 1893  finished.
It originally consisted of four sick barracks and a few outbuildings. From 1930 to 1936 there was an enormous reconstruction and the expansion of the capacity, because the military doctors now also include the family members of professional soldiers and private patients from the civilian population
  had to take care of.
This is how a new hospital building was built
  in a round U shape, a kitchen building and laundry. The hospital now had 400 beds and the specialist departments; Surgery, internal diseases, skin and venereal diseases and a special ward for obstetrics.
With the orientation of the hospital rooms in the new building to the south, the terraces and balconies, sunlight and the fresh forest air were also used as therapy for TB patients.

From 1945 until the withdrawal in 1992, the Soviet army also used the site as a hospital. Since then, the facility has stood empty and fell into disrepair. 

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