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The former briquette factory

The imposing press house made of red brick from the former briquette factory still stands at the town's train station. The factory was built in 1905. Lignite has been mined at the site since 1848. In 1908 the exploration began as an opencast mine. From 1915 onwards, what was then the largest electric power station in Europe was supplied with lignite via a specially built electrically operated mine railway over a distance of approx. 16 km. As early as 1932, one of the most modern conveyor bridges in Europe was built in an open-cast mine. The overburden was dumped in the immediate vicinity. On November 1, 1946, the Soviet occupying forces occupied the coal works. The conveyor bridge and all the technical equipment of the briquette factory were dismantled and brought to Ukraine as reparations. And that in the cold, hungry winter of 1946/47! The open-cast mine was resumed after the re-establishment in 1948, the briquette factory was not put into operation again. The opencast mine was finally shut down in 1955. A refurbishment of the dump and pit did not take place until the 1960s.

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