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Soviet military arrests

​​ During my forays into Soviet barracks, I repeatedly noticed major military arrests. The life of the Soviet soldiers stationed in the GDR was hard and full of privation: 2 years of service without home leave, up to 120 men in a crew room, hardly any free time, poor supplies and a shower day once a week. In addition, the younger soldiers were constantly harassed by the "grandfathers", in the NVA it was called the EK movement. That was often the point just to run away or to look up. This ended, after mistreatment,  often under arrest or in prison for several years.

This arrest was on a floor in a building of the Brandenburg state mental institution :

This is the worst and best preserved prison I've ever found. It is located on the site of a former ammunition factory and was probably taken over by the Russians from the prisoner-of-war camp located there. What is interesting about this object is that there are still fixtures, as the Russians actually took all of the inventory with them when they were withdrawn.

This arrest is located in the former Adolf Hitler camp of the Wehrmacht and was then taken over by a Soviet unit:

This prison is in an old brick building in a barracks near Jüterbog . Since everything has been cleared out here too, it is not very spectacular:

Diese Arrestzellen befinden sich in einem Keller der Standortkommandantur einer brandenburgischen Kreisstadt. In einem Raum befindet sich sogar noch Archivmaterial. Ansonsten war die Erkundung des Kellers eine ziemlich gruselige Angelegenheit:

This large prison for the Soviet military is located in Wünsdorf. The robust architectural style also reveals the same use in the time of the Wehrmacht.

In the former Aviation School I discovered this arrest, which was left almost swept clean:

I found this prison in the Löwen-Adler-Kaserne :

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