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Jüterbog military training area

The first area of the military training area, known as the “old camp”, was built in 1870. Here there was also an ammunition depot, a witness office and the military training area headquarters. At the main guard, fireworkers put up a plaque with a corruption of the saying that has been at the Jüterbog city gates since Luther's time: "Anyone who gives their children the bread and then suffers need themselves, you beat them to death with the club." Old camp from it: “Anyone who lives fast in the garrison and suffers hardship at the firing range, kills them with this club Officers as well as a huge cinema. Many buildings were nicely renovated in the 1990s. Some are still empty and dilapidated. During the First World War, there was an airship port near Altes Lager with two correspondingly large zeppelin hangars. A large air force base was established there in the early 1930s.

Das ist das Kino und Theater mit Oberrang (!) aus den 30iger Jahren.

Kasernen aus der Kaiserzeit und ein zurückgelassenes sowjetisches "Denkmal":

Zum Schluß ein paar Bilder aus der Soldatenkantine:

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